The Achieve Community is Rocking,
Hey Everyone we still need about 100 of our members to sign up with Payoneer
so if you have any friends or family that haven't signed up yet Please give them
a little push and help us see that this happens as soon as possible. If you aren't
seeing all of your positions in your back office you will see them by launch.
Please feel Free to advertise the Community in as many facebook groups as you
can. Right now we are pushing hard to bring in as many new members as we can
before launch. Everyday we get the same question. What day is Launch. The answer
is when everything is in working order as it should be and everyone is signed up with
Payoneer we launch, So all I can say is very soon for now. Share the community posts
invite everyone you can. We are here to help everyone we can have a better Life.
See you on the next update.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi