Today we would like to talk a little Marketing. we know alot of you are not Marketers. We also know that alot of you are Marketers. So with that we would like to those of you that aren't to share this Community with anyone you care about. Share our posts on your facebook timeline. If you've been paid please post it on your timeline and share it on Kristi's and my timeline please. For those of you that are Marketers I would like to talk to each and every one of you. We want to see 2000 members in the Achieve Community in the next few months. What will that mean to everyone?? The more the Community grows the more Money everyone makes. So let's be a Community that cares contact me and tell me about your marketing background. Im a Marketer so lets get together and have some fun with this.
2000 New members is our goal. Contact me on facebook or call me
Troy Barnes 734-334-7515
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi