Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween Stats!

Hello Achieve Community!

I know you are all anxious, so this update is a little early.

Our first ever Halloween Purchase Party is going amazingly well - thank you all! We still have 9 hours on the matrix clock, so if you Achievers out there surprise me tonight, I'll do another update tomorrow with the latest post Halloween stats!

As of now, we have paid out over $2,175,000.00 to our members. We have over 7300 paid members in Achieve. And we are paying out on the first week of September.

A note of explanation about the payout times. Many of you like to figure out the payout date down to the day - please remember that we are an International program. If someone in the Philippines says that they went through the matrix and purchased on Sept. 3 (for example), they will actually be date stamped Sept. 2 in our matrix. It will have been the 3rd where they live, but all purchases are time stamped in order on OUR matrix time clock. So never think that you have been overlooked if you purchased on the 2nd and see something like this….it's just the time zone differences. Everyone is time and date stamped on our clock the minute they join up. This is also why you will see me just give the week we are paying out.

Enjoy the rest of the promotion! Maybe I'll be back tomorrow….

To your success
Troy and Kristi

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Update

Hello Achieve Community!

We are having a party! Come join us on October 31st for our very first Purchase Party!

And bring a friend! Everyone in for one day.

Then come back here tomorrow for stats…the figures are going to amaze you!

Have a great Halloween everyone and stay safe.

To your success….
Troy and Kristi

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Information Update

Hello Achieve Community!

There has been quite a lot of speculation about the wonderful futures you all are building and what that will mean to you in practical ways.

I have been talking with quite a few financial planners, tax accountants, and lawyers and was hoping we would be able to provide the Achieve Community with some guidelines to help you all.

It turns out we can't do anything at all like that legally. We can give no advice nor can we recommend any course of action or resources.

For those of you talking in Forums, on social media, in chats….know this…no licensed professional can give advice to you without a written contract between you. So EVERYTHING you are hearing from people about taxes, legalities, setting up businesses, etc. is coming from opinions of unqualified people who can not give you advice that you can rely on….we don't want to see anyone get hurt.

So as a rule, do not talk about these things in any public way with our name attached to it please. That could cause us quite a bit of difficulty. Do not take advice randomly. If you are in a position where you now need to have some advice, seek a licensed tax accountant or professional financial planner or a lawyer please.

If and when we can find a way to help we will let you know, but for now we aren't even allowed to discuss anything in that realm and we aren't allowed to have posts or videos about it with our name or in our groups. If any of you see anything like that, please let the person posting know that they could be causing Achieve some difficulty. Thanks so much community!

Until tomorrow…
To your success
Troy and Kristi

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Tuesday Update

Hello Achieve Community!

Well we've done it! We've reached that point in our little community where we are no longer the little new company! As Troy said last night, we can't keep up any longer with all the calls and questions and those lovely little personal touches we so enjoyed. We are here for you, just not quite as available as we used to be.

Most of the information you will need is on the website however, so help each other find that information please and let's all do our best to take care of everyone - as you have been - we are an amazing community!

Ready for stats? We have paid out almost $1,700.000.00 to date to our members. We have over 6200 paid members now. And we are paying out the end of August.

That truly is fantastic growth. Thank you all for sharing and participating and making Achieve what is now is….a Lifetime Income Plan that works for everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Love you all, and cherish each of your dreams!

To you success
Troy and Kristi

Friday, October 24, 2014

Hello Achieve Community,

The weekend is almost here and Achieve is on Fire. Kristi and I are having the
time of our lives being able to payout Thousands to the Community is an amazing
feeling. We want to thank you all for getting most of your questions answered in the
faq and videos in the members area. We are now able to spend more time doing what
we we have to behind the scenes to grow and take care of Achieve as a company.
We see you all using the payoneer option to repurchase and it's been Amazing. It helps
us to pay you so much faster. This is a true community of people that really care and
we think the world of all of you.
Kristi and I will be away most of the weekend so keep the Fire burning we wont be
to far away. We Love and appreciate each and every one of you so have an Amazing
weekend and we will see you on monday.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Thursday Update

Hello Achieve Community!

We are indeed going viral!

The image shown is from one of the TOP forums on home business and forced Matrix programs.

Just a brief update tonight to keep you up to date. We now have both German and French translations on our videos and Spanish is coming!

We have paid out over $1,326,000.00 to our members. We have over 4800 paid members now. We are paying out on the third week of August! Congratulations to everyone who has joined us and to everyone who has been paid - you are in the right place and we are so glad you are here.

To your success
Troy and Kristi

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Achiever Fever!

Hello Achieve Community!
Our community continues to break records weekly - I have been working for 13 hours straight today - the growth has been fantastic! And you all are wearing me out! I wouldn't have it any other way. Thank you for all the enthusiasm, the help and support, and the love.
Now for the news, I've caught up with the files and so, once again, everyone will be paid M-F within 24 hours of hitting the matrix, unless you hit the matrix on Friday after the cut off through Sunday, in which case you will be paid Monday. Thanks for your patience over these past few days!
We have paid out over $1,170,000.00 to our members as of now. We have over 4400 paid members in the Achieve Community. And we are paying out the second week of August now. If you want to get an idea of how fast we are moving, read the Saturday update again and compare that to this one.
I think our little program is working!
We have a new marketing group on Facebook that is being organized and utilizing some of the talent in our community - if you would like to join please let the admin in our group page know and they will direct you to the right people.
We also have new products in the members area of your back office.
Most importantly we have the best program and the best people on the internet. Thank you all for joining us and changing the lives of those you care about - we are going to be doing amazing things in our world!
Look for Troy's update tomorrow - he's on fire!
To your success
Troy and Kristi

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hello Achieve Community,

All I can say is we have ACHIEVER FEVER. Seems like we are Breaking
Records Almost everyday. So we are Really having Massive Growth but we
can always do Better. Everyone I talk to is asking me about the Speed in which
we get Paid. We all want it Faster which it will be no worries there. Your all doing
an Amazing job Sharing just Kick in to gear a little Bit more and lets push it to
6000 Paid Members by Christmas. Achieve has gone Viral and we are so proud
of every one of you. Let's all Invite One person a week and we will surpass 6000
Paid Members in no time. There will be a whole new meaning to the word VIRAL.
Be looking for Kristi's Update tomorrow it's going to be a good one.
There isn't to much to say tonight except keep up the good work. Your Sharing is
going to make your Dreams come true in a HURRY
See you on tomorrows update. We Love and Cherish each and Every one of you.
We have an Amazing family in the Achieve Community. We are all Blessed to be
here together.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Saturday, October 18, 2014

One Million!

Hello Achievers!
Just a quick Saturday update for you…
We have now paid out over $1,000.000.00 - one million - to our members since launch in July. That's a nice milestone for us to reach! We are paying out July 31st now, we have over 3800 members and we are growing more every week!
Our payments are still taking a couple of days and it may be Tuesday or Wednesday before I get us all caught up and paying within 24 hours once more - again I apologize for the delay - and hope you all agree that it still beats only getting paid once a week! We want to keep paying out M-F as soon after you hit the matrix as possible!
There were also a lot of messages and calls today that I just didn't get to - it's a busy weekend since returning to the USA. I will get back to all of you Monday or Tuesday!
This is the sort of busy that I can live with….a fabulously prosperous community where everyone is Achieving! Thank you all for your understanding and the kindness you have been showing me.
One last little thing…did you all know that there are FAQ on both the website for people who aren't members yet AND a different one in your back office for the members. Be sure to look at those if you have questions.
Have a wonderful rest of the Weekend Achievers!
To your success….
Troy and Kristi

Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Friday Achievers,
Kristi is in the Air on her way Home. Be Safe Kristi we all Love you and appreciate you.
We just want to wish you all a Blessed weekend and thank you all for being so Amazing.
I will be on and off this weekend but if you need me please send a message to support and
I'll be sure to get it. Let's all keep the Achieve Fire Burning over the weekend. Be safe and
enjoy your family. We are Blessed to have you all in ours.
Have a Great Weekend
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Hello Achieve Community,

Happy days are here. Our Growth is Amazing and we are Paying out Thousands Daily.
It doesn't get better than that. Kristi will be on her way home from England tomorrow
and the weekend will be upon us. Keep up the Great work Keep Sharing and Bless as
many people as you can. If you haven't registered for payoneer yet please do that first
now. If you haven't been approved for a payoneer account yet please call them and ask
why? We can't help you if we don't know why your not approved yet.
We will be at a Million Dollars in payouts soon and we are soooo Excited for all of you.
Make a purchase plan and stick to it thats all it takes. Please check your emails daily.
I'll be contacting you by email to let you know your getting Paid.
See you all on tomorrows Update.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Wednesday Update

Hello Achieve Community!
Thank you all for taking Troy's advice and using the Payoneer logo in your back office to make repurchases - you're doing great! - and it has helped us! Keep it up, we do appreciate it.
As of today we are paying out the fourth week of July, we have over 3300 members, and we have paid out over $840,000.00 to our members. Literally every day is record breaking. This program is moving fast and growing faster! Our members are believers now, that is very clear to us, and you all certainly have Achiever Fever - literally every time we make a new prediction it gets completely blown away. We did say that this month would be amazing, well it's more amazing than we expected it to be! We are thrilled for all of you - and thank you for sharing and caring about Achieve. This certainly has been best time to join us so far!
Just a reminder that most of the questions people have about our program are answered in the videos on our website, these updates, or the FAQs on the website and in the members area of your back office, and we have a Facebook group page where our members and admin help with questions too ( Please share these resources with the people you talk to about Achieve.
And now an apology from me. I am traveling and do not have as much time as usual to do my work and respond to all of you. For the next few days payments will be going out at odd times compared to our usual schedule and some of you will be paid within 48 hours instead of the usual 24 hours. This is just because of my schedule this week and the times I can get to my computer to send our files out. I really am sorry about this, it is not what I expected when I made my plans to be here in the UK, and we will be back on schedule as soon as possible. Thank you all for understanding, I know you will, and I appreciate it so much.
You are without a doubt the best group of people to ever come together!
To your success
Troy and Kristi

Monday, October 13, 2014

Monday Update

Hello Achieve Community!
Our UK community got to meet this last weekend and had a wonderful time together - what a fabulous group of people - I truly enjoyed meeting each of you and getting to know you! Love you all! Thanks to everyone who showed up. It convinced me (and everyone else I think!) that we need to continue to schedule dates to get together as a group and just have some fun! Las Vegas is next - we are looking at the Spring of 2015….so get ready Achievers.
We continue to have record growth and hear amazing stories about the difference Achieve is making in so many people's lives - it is very real! Today I sent out payments to 59 members including one person who was paid on all 100 of her positions over the weekend and made $40,000.00 today. Everything is possible here, for everybody. We are paying out the 3rd week of July now... We have paid over $700,000.00 to our members... And we have over 3050 members in Achieve now. Before you finish reading this, those stats will be outdated! We are constantly moving and it's impossible for us to begin to keep you current, so take this information in our updates as a guideline to see how things are going please.
We are upgrading our servers from 11p.m. - midnight Pacific time (Universal Time -8 hours) tonight, Monday night, so if you, or anyone you shared with, goes to the website during that time they will see a message saying we are upgrading the servers. It shouldn't take long and will improve the speed of navigating our site.
We want to thank all of you for taking this journey with us - it keeps amazing us and we hope it excites you too. Thank you especially to those many of you who are helping us get the word out, taking on projects with us, serving our community and keeping our spirits up - we could not possibly do this without you.
Until tomorrow….to your success
Troy and Kristi

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Happy Weekend to all of you Amazing Achievers,

Just a fast update to let all of you know that we will be doing an upgrade to
our servers on Sunday. We will only be down for about 30 minutes orso.
If you know anyone that's signing up and sees that we are down please just
just let them know to try back again within the hour. We thank you all for being
apart of our Community. See you all on Monday

To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Friday, October 10, 2014

Happy Friday Achievers,

Well we had another record week and it's not over yet so let's keep this train going.
We are so Happy to see all of you getting these Huge payouts. OMG $600,000 paid
out in less than 15 weeks. How Cool is that. Speaking of Cool. Kristi is meeting with
our UK members as wee speak or text lol. I have spent the last few days contacting our
members that haven't set up payoneer yet. I will be doing another update tomorrow Im
so busy I know I have so much more to tell you. Have an Amazing weekend I will be on
and off this weekend so keep up the Great work. SHARE SHARE SHARE.
We Love You All
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Thursday Update

Hello Achieve Community!
I hear you all would like some more stats…so, as of this moment we have paid out over $585,000.00 to our members, we have over 2600 paid members, and we are paying out on the second week of July.
Here's what I've noticed - our community has Achiever Fever - that's right, it's become an addiction for a more than a few. You are believers now and you are sharing this with those people you care about and building your positions to truly prosper! We can feel the excitement! And we love it! Especially hearing the plans you have for your future and knowing the difference you are going to make - that is the truly fantastic part for us! And seeing all the work our members are putting in now to help each other! I've never seen anything like it! Next week I'll share some of the amazing things happening in our community that you may want to get involved with soon.
We are also growing very fast. Troy is going to change over to emails tomorrow because it has become impossible to phone everyone who is getting close to the matrix, there's just not enough time. You can still call him if you need a repurchase plan or have questions! His number is 734-225-1678. And please everyone, be sure you have an activated Payoneer account so we can pay you.
I will be away this weekend - it's party time for the Achieve Community in the UK! We are all meeting up Friday night in Birmingham, check our timelines this weekend for the pictures! Can't wait to meet our members here!
That's really all the news for today. Troy will have a final update for the week tomorrow.
To your success -
Troy and Kristi

Monday, October 6, 2014

Happy Anniversary Achieve!

Hello Achieve Community!

Today it has been 3 months since we launched Achieve and it is a special day for us in many ways.
First, we have paid out over $484,000.00 to our members (yes, for those of you on Facebook, we have added that much today, since my post this morning when I announced $464,000.00 had been paid out).
Second, we have over 2300 members in Achieve now.
Third, and most important, those members who joined us at launch on July 6th will begin to reach the matrix tonight. This is a big deal --- July was a big month for us, and October is going to be as well. Those members who waited to join us at launch will start getting paid now, and they are going to be sharing Achieve with the people they care about. These are the people who wanted some proof that we were real and working and they will become our biggest supporters now. If you have been considering joining Achieve or know people who are considering it - this is the time to do it! This is when we really begin to see some major growth and movement - and we know you all think we are already doing that - just please pay attention to what happens now. We are going to surprise a lot of people with our success here! And you are part of it!
Thank you so very much to all of the supporters who joined us in pre-launch and have been paid now or will be tomorrow - you made Achieve possible for us. We are so very glad that you are getting a result now, you have no idea how grateful we are. Thank you also to all the new members who have joined us - you make us smile everyday! And thank you to those of you who came on board at launch - you are going to start getting paid this week and we know what that will mean to you all.
One last word about repurchasing - if you have the Payoneer Debit Card, please use your Payoneer funds to repurchase from your back office - see this short video on how to do that as doing this helps us receive the funds faster and pay you sooner!
Finally, from me - My heart is full of happiness, love and appreciation. Thank you all for being a part of this little dream of  mine. … it is personal for me! and I can't wait to meet all of you!
Until tomorrow….to your success
Troy and Kristi

Friday, October 3, 2014

Have a Great Weekend Achievers

Hello Achieve Community!

This has been a record week for Achieve! We have moved more people through the matrix than ever, by far! It's getting very exciting around here and we appreciate all of you keeping the momentum going by sharing your experiences when you get paid…thank you!
Today I had a long discussion with Payoneer and want to update you all on the situation there. First, please understand that Payoneer is a very secure payout processor and you will not be approved if you can't prove who you are to them. Being an online company, not knowing you and not having a signature from you means they need other means - documents that match in every way - to verify your account. We want this. We want the most secure situation for all our members. They are very very good. They are also a quickly growing International company. It may take time to get answers from support. Help them out by sending support tickets that completely explain any problems you are having, call them, use their online chat (available 9-6 ET - that's Universal Time -5 if you aren't in the USA), if it's an expensive call for you just ask them to call you back, they will do that. Be careful when you tell others about us to explain what they need to do so they also sign up with Payoneer. Most of you have been careful signing up and have your Payoneer accounts approved, thank you. This is just to help those that are not yet approved with Payoneer. We do want to pay you all. Call them and get your accounts approved - do what they ask you to do. We can not help at all with the personal accounts - that is up to you. But message me if you are confused, I can help with that.
Troy and I will be taking some time off this weekend but will be around on and off if you need us. We hope you all have a terrific weekend yourselves!
Be sure to catch the Monday update - you'll love it.
To your success
Troy and Kristi

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Thursday Update

Hello Achieve Community!

We thought we would share some more short but sweet statistics with you all tonight -
As you already know, Achieve is growing more every week and we are paying more positions every week - we have over 1900 members now. Welcome to all our new members! We are so happy that you have joined us. You all will have received an email about signing up for Payoneer - that went out to everyone - just ignore it if you already have your Payoneer account sorted out, we know that you are signed up. Thanks.
We are paying out the last week of June now - congratulations to all of you who are getting paid! Thank you also for joining us!
As of tonight Achieve has paid out over $398,000.00 to it's members. We think that is quite remarkable and hope you do too. This is one life changing program Achievers….keep sharing! We will change things for a lot of people and that will in turn change our world.
Thank you all!
Until tomorrow, to your success
Troy and Kristi