Friday, May 30, 2014


Hello Achieve Community!
Thank you all for making our first Pre-Launch week so very successful.
As we said earlier, we are going to continue with Pre-Launch and fill a second matrix. Primarily so that when we Launch the first matrix will be fully paid, can re-purchase and the second matrix will be completely paid and can re-purchase. With two full matrixes we will move quite quickly assuring that everyone gets paid within the first month.

Work is continuing on the site as many of you have noted already. Check out the Community pages in your Members area for example. Frank has done a wonderful job with that.

Please continue to share our program with the people you care about, but please do not post the website link on any social media sites.

We hope you all have a wonderful weekend and look forward to another week of productivity - all of which is taking us that much close to launch!

We will update you again Monday!

Troy and Kristi