Well we tweeked the site most of the day. We got are approval but we
had to make a few changes to make everything the way it should be to
so that we 100% compliant. We are almost done but it wont get done today
for sure and the merchant wont be here on the weekend so it's looking like
Monday or Tuesday at the latest.
Kristi and I appreciate your patients and are looking forward to the massive
Success that you will all be having in The Achieve Community.
On a personal note I would like to say thank you to Kristi Johnson. What you
have done for all of us we will never be able to repay. Kristi is by far the most
giving selfless and loving person I have ever met. And I am so Blessed to be her
Partner. There is so much more to this Community that meats the eye. Get ready
to start enjoying Live the way it should be lived. See you on the next update.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi