Hello Achievers,
We still need a few more members to sign up with Payoneer so if you haven't
signed up yet please do that asap. Anyone you know in the Community that
hasn't signed up yet please give them a little push. We want to launch as soon as
we can. We have Created a Facebook capture page for you to promote. It will
keep us in the good graces of Facebook and they will be able to get to our Website
from there. This is the link to Promote. Make sure you go and like the page please.
I also did a video that you can promote on Facebook that will drive them to our
Facebook capture page. This is the link to it.
We would really like to see this video in as many fb groups as possible with the link
to our capture page attached. Getting closer to launch everyday. Thank you all for
everything you do to help in the Community.
To Your Success
Troy and Kristi