Hello Achieve Community!
Thank you all for stepping up the promoting! We are seeing the results of that in both sign ups and messages. Troy would still like to talk to anyone who is willing to market our program to their groups, anyone who has some ideas for us, and anyone who would like to take a leadership role with Achieve. We both would still like to talk with everyone about your strategic repurchase plans. So please get in touch if we haven't talked with you - we are here for you!
Troy Barnes - 734-334-7515
Kristi Johnson - 303-502-0458
Last week I told you that we would need a couple of weeks running to get a better idea of the pattern of sign ups, and that would allow us to tell you more about what time frames to expect from sign up to first payouts.
It's going to take a bit longer than that. However, next week we do expect to see the matrix running fully the way it is designed to do, and then we will begin to see the pace more truly and completely. As you all now know it is a complicated program - our poor programmer, he is really working outside of the box! - and I so appreciate your patience while we get up to speed! Meantime, everything is working beautifully and is sustainable - we know we have a program that will last as long as everyone wants to make money! - so keep participating fully, it's all good.
This is the most exciting program out there - we are so glad to share it with all of you!
To your success
Troy and Kristi