Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Launch Day Update

Hello Achieve Community!

In a few hours we will begin taking new members again and current members will be able to repurchase.

Please note that the payment form has changed. Please be sure to read the form carefully and fill out everything asked for correctly through each page of the process. You will have to add your CVV code twice - this is a security measure.

You will need to have a MasterCard or Visa debit or credit card to purchase from us, so have that ready too please.

*** Go all the way through the sign up procedure until there are no more buttons to select and you see         Approved across the top of the page ***

Achieve will only be taking purchases for now - the payout processor will be added later, and members will be notified when it is time to sign up for that, so for now you will only be purchasing.

There are also new, temporary, limits to our program. This means we have processors that will grow with us and stay with us. It also means you will need to figure out your purchase plans again.

For the next month you will be limited to two purchases of up to 20 positions each transaction, per day. Five purchases per week. Eight purchases per month.

The maximum purchase will be 20 positions. You can purchase between 1 and 20 positions. You can purchase twice in one 24 hour period. You can purchase 5 times each week up to 8 times in the month.

So, to plan your strategy, you want to consider how many positions you want in the next month, and how many to purchase at one time to reach your goal, with a maximum of 8 purchases over the month.

If you want the most allowed, as an example, 160 positions, you would make 8 purchases of 20 positions each, spread out over the next month. If you want 80 positions you can do 4 purchases of 20 positions or 8 purchases of 10 positions each. And so on. It's very simple math if you start with your monthly purchase amount.

These are temporary limits so that we can continue to grow without any more downtime. As they change I will update you.

Achieve will also have some daily limits for the next month.

Any time you, or Achieve, reach a limit, your purchase will simply be declined. That's all that will happen. Wait until the next day to try again and you will be fine.

I believe that we will see our limits expand quite quickly, as we have a solid community of people who know that this is a Lifetime Income Plan and want to stay with the program and see their dreams come true! And our processors are ready to support us as we grow.

I do sort of wish we hadn't scared the processors off with our tremendous growth so that we could still be limitless right now, you all know that, but then again, what a problem to have right? And now we have the opportunity to make this truly last for your lifetime's. So let's make Achieve the best program ever once again.

Thank you all for everything kind thing you have done and said throughout this process.

To your success