Monday, December 1, 2014

Monday Update

Hello Achieve Community!

We will be taking new sign ups and purchases tomorrow!

There are some things that will change now and this update will address some of those changes. Tomorrow before we open I will update you again with the details about signing up and making purchases.

For our members, you will still go to your back office and click on buy additional spots to purchase more positions. You will have to purchase by credit/debit card now. Before you could use your Payoneer account to purchase, since we aren't using them any longer that won't be possible now.

For new members you will go to our website and click on sign up to purchase your position(s).

Again, detailed instructions will be announced tomorrow. The sign up/repurchase forms will be slightly changed from previously for added security.

There are some things that will not change.

Everyone's positions are still the same.
Everyone will begin moving toward, into, or through the matrix again tomorrow when we open.
Everyone who hit the matrix when we stopped, but did not get paid will still have their earnings and will be paid those earnings when they are signed up with the new payout processor.

Payments will begin once we attach our processor, you sign up for it from your back office, and you are approved. I will update you on the date to begin signing up for our payout processor.
As you are approved and go through the matrix you will be paid.
If you go through the matrix and aren't approved yet your funds will be waiting for you and will be paid to you once you are approved.

You can access your back office as soon as you sign up with us, you will get an email with your login information, our current members have always had access to their back offices and products. Soon we will also have banners for you and our new forum.

Look for the update tomorrow with more detailed information.

Thank you all.