Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday Update

Hello Achieve Community!

Today has been a day of constant calls and paperwork with our processors. And the end result is that we have a better time frame now for starting up again.

I want to caution you that we do not have any final and binding agreement yet - and although everything appears to be good - anything can happen with these processes.

However, right now it looks like we could be up and running again by the end of next week or beginning of the following week - between the 21st and 26th. This is just a best guess at this point.

Here's how it will go -

We will begin with coding, so our website may have some short downtimes over the next 10 days or so, depending on how quickly the agreements are reached.

We will start by first allowing new sign ups and repurchases. And we will begin getting everyone signed up to our new payment processor.

I will not tell you who this is until we start up again, and there are good reasons for that, so please just wait for that announcement.

About a week after that we will begin paying out to those members who already have gone through the matrix and those who go through after we start again.

And then, we will be a fully running, completely functional Achieve Community once again!

I'm excited about this - even though still a bit cautious - and I hope you are too. We will have the right people in place to move forward with us for a long time.

Thank you all again for your kind words, support, encouragement and for being the best Community ever put together.

To your success